Sunday, 25 September 2011

Mud Eggs

New enviromental sculpture I made on the weekend at lake Glenmaggie in Gippsland.

Pretty happy with the result, I was looking more to make them in a Teatree swamp. If I get enough time I will give it another go, the eggs shape was harder to make than I thought it was going to be.

Mud eggs at Lake Glenmaggie

These are some pics of my latest enviromental sculpture I made at Lake Glenmagie.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Web page designs

     This is my first design

2nd design

This is the final design I am happy with and will be using for web page.

more photo's of snow illustration

Here are some photo's of my snow illustration, just been messing around in Photoshop. Still not sure what to call the piece, thinking of something along the lines of cold structure.......

Friday, 9 September 2011

trying different lighting

Stage production model.

 I am making a installation using drawings and lights. Anyway here it is, this is the first one I designed and are making 2 more and then the final object which will be about 2 meters wide and and meter or so high. Purchased some cool little LED lights from Jaycar which will come in handy.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Ice Illustration

This is a series of sculptures I am making out in the wilderness in different climates. Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy's work, but with my own style and imagination and creativity.
Next sculpture is being made in a swamp out of mud and sticks.